Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Google Page Rank Updates- Why do some sites lose rankings? | AdKlicks

With every page rank updates, many webmasters see their site lose rankings and such loss of rankings are not unusual. What are the reasons for it? While Google has never disclosed its algorithm of awarding page rank, we can reasonably guess the reasons for such loss. There are many reasons for such loss, major of them being duplicate content, number of unique visitors in a month visitors and ranking of main pages in the Google search results

Click the link below to read the complete article
Google Page Rank Updates- Why do some sites lose rankings?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Google takes over Youtube: what this means to Web Publishers | AdKlicks

Did you miss joining Adsense at the right time? Are you ready to join the new revolution now?

In a multi-million pound deal valuing around US$ 1.6 billion, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, creators of Youtube, who till recently were sustaining the company from credit card debts operating from a California Garage just 19 months ago, are now latest to join the Multibillionaire elite club.

For more details click on the link below:

Google takes over Youtube: what this means to Web Publishers AdKlicks

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Develop Natural Links for Higher Google Page Rank | AdKlicks

In 1997, when I first started my own web site, I first installed Alexa Tool Bar that indicates the number of incoming links to your site and I was fairly impressed with the number of links that some sites had. Honestly, at that time I had no idea as how one link differs from others and it was only after lots of highs and lows in internet business that I realized what the links mean and how a bad link differs from a good link in terms of overall ranking of your site. for my first site that I had (I have since sold off that site), I accepted left right and centre all requests for incoming links or reciprocal links and started hoping that soon Mr. Google would be too impressed and started raining me with traffic and its much sought after PR. Of course both remained elusive till long and then in a rather hard way I learnt few lessons, which I am sharing with you.

For complete article click on the link below

Develop Natural Links for Higher Google Page Rank AdKlicks

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Few Site Optimization Secrets that would grow your site's presence in search engines | AdKlicks

As a site optimization professional, quite often I am frustrated with the tricks that some site optimization professionals play on unsuspecting webmasters. Quite often, a client is kept in dark about the role that an optimization expert would play about the site and whether in hurry to prove himself in double quick time, would he employ some shady methods to prove himself that would end up webmaster paying a heavy price later on in terms of search engines shunning his site as no good. I would also like to advise potential clients that getting higher ranking for a small / medium time webmaster is a long process that may take few months and in a hurry to gain high traffic they should not commit themselves to any offer that looks too good to be true, unless the SEO is willing to share what exactly are his plans to do about your site. Of course, most SEO wont share their secrets.

I would like to share some very powerful tips with you that would help you optimize your site better and would give you a bit of idea about how it would help search engines index your site faster. For detailed reading, would suggest you to click the link below:

Few Site Optimization Secrets that would grow your site's presence in search engines AdKlicks

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Help Google fall in love with your web site. | AdKlicks

Programming and keeping your site abreast with the latest trends and practices is an ongoing phenomenon. Problem in site optimization is that in case you are trying to cheat a search engine, it is detected in few days time and you are gone and in case you are on ethical route, you are competing with millions of others, who too are following the similar route as you are. Loosing out traffic from a major search engine is definite way to loss of real sales and conversions. In fact, I tend to lose most of my clients, when I insist that there is no shortcut to getting links on search engines over night and right path starts from first having lots of original content. However, this statement is also half truth. If you have a body, you need to flaunt it. If you have content, you need to get it indexed on search engines and you would agree that you would need to do it rather fast. I would deliberate on few measures that you need to do and rest assured you would have traffic you can dream of.

While you are contemplating designing a new site or are frustrated with an old site that you are unable to get traffic for; follow the following suggestions, as derived from experience of many web masters as well as from Google’s guidelines to webmasters.

For complete article, Courtesy Ms Kelly, Programming Guide with www.b2blounge.com, click on thr link below

Help Google fall in love with your web site.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The difference between Beautiful and Smart sites | AdKlicks

It is not that whatever web design you will put up a site, submit it to the search engines and the traffic will magically pour in. Unfortunately it takes more than that to drive search engine traffic to your site, and even more unfortunately most developers don't program with SEO in mind, nor do they educate the client about the process involved in gaining traffic from search engines.

What is basic difference between a good looking site and good performing one? Why a good looking site may fail to attract good traffic. Should a site appeal to spiders or humans or both and at what stage should Site optimization process should begin?

for more on the subject, please click on the link below:
The difference between Beautiful and Smart sites

Friday, January 12, 2007

Why getting listed on Yahoo is different | AdKlicks

What makes yahoo different from most other search engines is that Yahoo is both a search engine and a directory edited by humans. Unlike spiders and bots used by most search engines, Yahoo has a team of professionals that manually review your site and approve it.

This explains why free submission at yahoo takes a long time and express submit service, a paid service, makes it happen faster. Presently, Yahoo charges annual fees of US$ 299 from Commercial web sites though, if you have a content rich web site, Yahoo surfers are likely to include your site without you ever submitting

Yahoo accounts for approximately 38% of the search engine traffic. No webmaster would be prepared to lose this large source of traffic. To read more about listing on yahoo, read complete article by clicking the link below.

You could also get some free scripts here
Why getting listed on Yahoo is different AdKlicks

Why getting listed on Yahoo is different | AdKlicks

What makes yahoo different from most other search engines is that Yahoo is both a search engine and a directory edited by humans. Unlike spiders and bots used by most search engines, Yahoo has a team of professionals that manually review your site and approve it.

This explains why free submission at yahoo takes a long time and express submit service, a paid service, makes it happen faster. Presently, Yahoo charges annual fees of US$ 299 from Commercial web sites though, if you have a content rich web site, Yahoo surfers are likely to include your site without you ever submitting

Yahoo accounts for approximately 38% of the search engine traffic. No webmaster would be prepared to lose this large source of traffic. To read more about listing on yahoo, read complete article by clicking the link below.

You could also get some free scripts here
Why getting listed on Yahoo is different AdKlicks

Boost your earnings through Google Adsense | AdKlicks

Since the launch of Google adsense in late nineties, it has fast become the preferred way for many webmasters to earn money online. I am indeed happy to note that many good sites are sustaining themselves only on adsense and are able to provide quality information to visitors which otherwise would have come at some price. It has more success stories than eBay and other similar programs put together.

Some simple tweaks can help you earn much more from your site. I would recommend some simple steps as:
Matching the color Code: One of the effective methods to increase the ad click rate is to use the ad color palette exactly with the site back ground color or Ad heading color should exactly match with the page heading.

Don’t use too many ad units as it creates sort of ad-blindness. Avoid leaderboard ads. People are generally blind to leaderboard image ads.

Better paying keywords would trigger better paying ads and hence better the revenue.

Do go thorough ad sense optimization tips and tricks given on the site.

Google’s new 5 ad unit links have better click through rate. I have come across many sites discussing Hollywood celebrities but where page shows up ads as far off related as Oracle-ads.

Make pages rich with content and not just for getting adsense ads.

for reading complete article on this, please click on the link below

Boost your earnings through Google Adsense AdKlicks

Right Keyword Density for Search Engine Optimization | AdKlicks

We all know that for top ranking on any search engine, unique content and appropriate keyword rich content is the major factor. Now how rich and how frequently should a key word appear is the moot question. What is primary keyword for the article and how often should it be used? Does a search engine read like human; from top to bottom and from left to right and if so should keywords be populated at beginning of the article or at the bottom?

What is the right keyword density? to completely read the article, and for free scripts and web tools, click on the link below

Right Keyword Density for Search Engine Optimization AdKlicks

Increasing Ad Click through rate | AdKlicks

As a webmaster, one of most trouble some area is how to get increased traffic to the site. Without adequate traffic, many sites die down as fast as they emerged. Many sites claim ‘magic cures’ to get more traffic to the site, but had such a magical phenomenon existed that can give traffic and loyal visitors even in the long run, no body would have failed. There are forums and forums, horde of websites that claim to provide instant solution to this but as a webmaster who struggled for 2 years before getting the real genuine traffic, I have concluded one thing that have content and you would have visitors. Building unnecessary links, reciprocal links etc would give you some traffic in short run, may even give you PR but sustainable or loyal traffic would elude you.

For complete reading of this article, please click on the link given below

Increasing Ad Click through rate AdKlicks

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Why Complete Indexing of the Site takes time and how to expedite it | AdKlicks

Why Complete Indexing of the Site takes time and how to expedite it AdKlicks

Avoid Getting Banned from Adsense-Some precuations and alternatives

Borrowing a sentence and distorting the same partially from a US Court case against Google, if it is said that “The web is becoming increasingly ‘Googlized”, it would not be wrong. Existing in a web space without Google has virtually become unimaginable. Whether you may need getting fully indexed by Google, or monetizing your site through adsense or ranking high in Google search results or be it getting page rank for your pages; what ever be your reason, you are going to need Google. After all, it has become a sort of objective source of finding content on the internet.

Adsense has revolutionized the web space and has offered a great way to monetize the site. However motivated by greed, competitors action, spamming, duplicate content or not following google's terms of service can lead to banning of the account. Google bans the account for life and publishers are not allowed to participate further in adsense.

So, what precautions should be taken by a webmaster, what should be the steps taken if banned from adsense, and what are the alternatives to adsense etc are few issues that I have discussed in two articles.

I am pasting here links to both the articles and I hope you would find them useful

