Monday, June 25, 2007

Some inappropriate Google ad placements | AdKlicks

One of the most common trick being employed by publishers using Google Adsense as a revenue model is to place Google ads that have maximum chances of accidental clicks. While it is a good idea to blend the ads well with the content, certain ad placements can land a publisher in some trouble with Google.

Before continuing any further, I would like to add that Google has two sets of rules. To premium publishers, earning beyond a certain sum, Google does provide a relationship manager and allows the sites to display more units of ads as well as allows the ads in such a way that “Ads by Google” word gets hidden. The idea being shared today is to warn against certain placements that are against the Google terms of service.

For detailed reading of the article, pl click on the link below

Monday, April 23, 2007

Getting best out of Digg | AdKlicks

For better PR or for better traffic or ranking in search engine results, social networking sites are fast gaining prominence. Digg, or stumble upon have fast emerged as the leading social networking sites. Does linking to these sites help? Today there are dozens of site that encourage swap digging each other’s post. As the system stands to day, digging is resorted to generating back links so that the site gets better PR, ranking and traffic.
1. Digg users have poor ad- click rate. Webmasters (pun intended) have a sort of ad-blindness and have low ad click rate.
2. Digg visitors would have tendency to comment on your site on Digg itself and not on your site.
3. Mostly tech geeks are known to visit digg and visitors for other commercial sites have low tendency to refer digg.
4. The digg link of the site normally appears before the actual link of the site, which the digg points.

I am not trying to discourage use of digg here, but this is a request to webmasters not to exploit the system by artificially creating fake “diggs”. A good content, a fresh news, or other tech savvy article does get good traffic. It may accompany a poor ad click rate, but nevertheless it increases the visibility rate of your site, if the content is good, it will add to returning visitors as well.

For compelete reading please click link below

Getting best out of Digg AdKlicks

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The myths and facts about Google Page Rank | AdKlicks

Higher page rank, which essentially is a result of number and quality of links that a page has, is any webmaster’s dream. Common experience is that higher page rank may not mean higher traffic too.

Google has not declared much about the algorithm that governs page rank. The chase for page rank is old school thinking. No doubt that Page Rank does not ensure website ranking and thus traffic, but as a web user what do we want; whether the results should come sorted in order of relevance of content or the page rank?

To the question, that page rank does not guarantee traffic, answer is should search engines rank the result by page rank or the relevancy of the page to your search query? For ranking in search results, apart from page rank, other factors as font size, title, headings, anchor text, word frequency, word proximity, file name, directory name, and domain name play important role.

Since we are unlikely to get a definitive answer from Google as to how its Page Rank affects the ranking of the results, can we afford to ignore the Page rank?

A site with high page rank is quite likely to get higher ranking where keywords match.

for detailed reading of the article, please click the link below

The myths and facts about Google Page Rank AdKlicks

Thursday, February 8, 2007

How to maximize use of Google Bots for your site | AdKlicks

There are about 10 million web pages on the index which need to be indexed by any search engine. Each search engine uses a spider to index the pages. The spider used by Google is known as Google bot and in today’s article, I would share some of its internal working procedures and how it affects indexing of your site.

For more on the way google spiders work and index your site, please click the link below
How to maximize use of Google Bots for your site AdKlicks

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Google Page Rank Updates- Why do some sites lose rankings? | AdKlicks

With every page rank updates, many webmasters see their site lose rankings and such loss of rankings are not unusual. What are the reasons for it? While Google has never disclosed its algorithm of awarding page rank, we can reasonably guess the reasons for such loss. There are many reasons for such loss, major of them being duplicate content, number of unique visitors in a month visitors and ranking of main pages in the Google search results

Click the link below to read the complete article
Google Page Rank Updates- Why do some sites lose rankings?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Google takes over Youtube: what this means to Web Publishers | AdKlicks

Did you miss joining Adsense at the right time? Are you ready to join the new revolution now?

In a multi-million pound deal valuing around US$ 1.6 billion, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, creators of Youtube, who till recently were sustaining the company from credit card debts operating from a California Garage just 19 months ago, are now latest to join the Multibillionaire elite club.

For more details click on the link below:

Google takes over Youtube: what this means to Web Publishers AdKlicks

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Develop Natural Links for Higher Google Page Rank | AdKlicks

In 1997, when I first started my own web site, I first installed Alexa Tool Bar that indicates the number of incoming links to your site and I was fairly impressed with the number of links that some sites had. Honestly, at that time I had no idea as how one link differs from others and it was only after lots of highs and lows in internet business that I realized what the links mean and how a bad link differs from a good link in terms of overall ranking of your site. for my first site that I had (I have since sold off that site), I accepted left right and centre all requests for incoming links or reciprocal links and started hoping that soon Mr. Google would be too impressed and started raining me with traffic and its much sought after PR. Of course both remained elusive till long and then in a rather hard way I learnt few lessons, which I am sharing with you.

For complete article click on the link below

Develop Natural Links for Higher Google Page Rank AdKlicks